S&B Cafe

Discover how S&B Cafe saw a 193% month-on-month growth after the first 3 months of using virtual brands.
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What we've achieved


weekly average revenue


month-on-month growth over the first 3 months


marketplace average rating

The challenge

Pedro, the owner of S&B Cafe, was struggling to get new customers. The lack of an online presence combined with the location of the cafe in an industrial estate meant that it wasn’t attracting a lot of new business.

S&B Cafe

The solution

To increase his customer base and boost his income, Pedro began working with Peckwater Brands. By using our virtual brands, the cafe has been able to reach new customers and compete with the fierce restaurant and takeaway competition in Bristol.

Our virtual brands have also supported Pedro’s business during downtimes, particularly during university term breaks. Pedro has seen an increase in orders from university students during term-time, but when the students aren’t in school, our virtual brands continue to generate income for the cafe.  

Three months after launching with us, Pedro achieved £18,000 peak sales in a single week. Today, Pedro is currently running 9+ virtual brands from his cafe, earning £10,000+ every week with our brands.

S&B Cafe
“Peckwater’s menus are simple and easy to operate, meaning less stress on the guys in the kitchen and more time to focus on making amazing food!”
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